In response to the Coronavirus concerns and orders given by our governing authorities, the council of Fellowship Church is suspending all in-person gatherings, including our worship services, committee meetings, Family Night activities, and Bible studies held at the church. Council will re-evaluate at our next regularly scheduled council meeting on April 6. We are not acting out of fear, but out of love. First, we wish to honor and submit to our governing authorities: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.… For [it] is God’s servant to do you good” (Rom. 13:1, 4). Secondly, we suspend our worship services and activities out of love of neighbor and a desire to serve the most vulnerable among us: “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Phil. 2:4). This will be difficult but only temporary.

The church is not “closing down,” and we are not ceasing to be the body of Christ simply because we are unable to meet together in person. The council has decided to use online Zoom meetings for our corporate worship time on Sunday mornings. More information and instructions regarding this will be sent out later. Anyone will be able to connect via the Internet or by calling in on their phone. Weekly bulletins, announcements, worship liturgy, and music will be sent out via email every week, along with an invitation to join the “meeting” by phone or Internet. If you desire to be included on this email list (and are not on it already), please contact the church office at Everyone is encouraged to worship at home and continue daily devotions of Bible reading and prayer. The church library is available for resources; a list of books is included here on the church’s website (, along with recordings of previous sermons. Updates may also be given on our Facebook page. Especially be in prayer for our local, state, and national leaders; health care providers; and the ill and vulnerable. God will see us through this! God is always with us even when we cannot physically be together.

The elders and deacons will be calling to check in with you and be praying for you. If you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to contact your district elder or deacon. The deacons also want to remind us that the needs of the church and the community are great, especially in times of crisis. Your offerings and tithes will still be received by mail, at the church (offering box in the sanctuary or church office), or online (a new PayPal account will be made available on the church’s website for online giving).

I am very grateful for the wisdom of our scientists, political leaders, and church leaders. I am grateful that we live in a time when these sorts of events can be foreseen and action steps can be taken to save lives. The church of Christ has ministered to member and non-member alike in times much worse than these. But these times are very different from anything most of us have experienced in our lifetimes. Our virtual gatherings will be different. They will feel very different. And it will take a little time to figure out our new way of doing things. In this season of change I pray for patience with one another, grace, and teamwork. We are in this together and, more importantly, God is in this with us!

In his arms,

Pastor Ken