One would think that the death of the Messiah would be the end of it. The religious leadership and the governing Roman authorities wanted their form of peace and unity, which to them meant that everyone agrees with them and does things their way. But Easter Sunday changed everything! The resurrection of Jesus from death to life again turned the vile plans of the evildoers on their heads. Throughout the book of the Acts of the Apostles we see that the resurrection changed the disciples from being ashamed to be associated with Jesus to boldly proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.
The book of the Acts of the Apostles has a a basic theme of the triumph of the gospel amidst and in spite of intense adversity. Over and over again, a roadblock is set up, free speech is denied, apostles jailed, disciples killed, governments make decrees, religious leadership gets in the way – and then the Holy Spirit shows up. Death is no threat to the disciples because Christ has already won the victory over death and the grave. As the apostle Paul wrote: “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” That’s the power of Easter – to embolden us to say the name of Jesus. He is greater than any teacher, professor, or president. Let’s keep saying and praising his name!
Acts 5:27-42