Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
Fellowship Christian Reformed Church
How to Share the Gospel


Christ the King Sunday focuses our worship on the cosmic character of Christ’s reign over the world. It is a proclamation to all that everything in creation and culture must submit to Christ. It is an invitation to actively and joyfully submit to his rule. Christ the King is the last Sunday of the season of Pentecost and of the church year. This day completes the Christian journey through the life of Jesus Christ on earth and in heaven which began with the preparation for the birth of Jesus in Advent. King Jesus is victorious over sin, death, and the power of the Devil. By his death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus won the war against evil. On Christ the King Sunday, Christians recognize and worship Christ as king of heaven and earth for all time without challenge and without end.

We welcome to our pulpit this morning a guest pastor and are excited that he and his wife and daughter are here worshiping with us. Matt is a missionary with CRCNA Resonate Global Missions and is preparing to move with his family to Turkey. There he will serve as a church planter and resource provider, advancing God’s kingdom in a difficult place.

Scripture References: John 4:1-26
